Nie wiem na ile śledzicie grupę [homebrew-radios] wiec podsyłam informacje, że kolega bg2raq ma do sprzedania za niewielkie pieniądze kwarce 10.715 oraz organizuje grupę chętnych na kwarce 10.710.
Cytat:hi all
i make some HC-49U 10.715crystal use 2nd lo .because min order is 200PCS so i have a lot. if anyone want it please give me a mail bg2raq(a)gmail.com with you adress.i can send 1or2 pcs to you adress by airmail 1pcs is 0.8usd .the airmail is not safe so you can send me the money when you receive. then i will tell you the total price includ postage .
BTW. the ail airmail only put it 1 or 2 pcs more then 2pcs must be a pack the postage higer then airmail
yours bg2raq
Cytat:hi all
if anyone want to buy some 10.710 HC-49U XTAL for 2nd lo. the price will be cost 0.8usd/pcs . the cod is 100PCS if our group order 50PCS(every one must order 2pcs or more) i will make it in china
de bg2raq