(02-07-2011 8:30)N3IBX napisał(a): [...]Has anyone ever devised a plan for such a receiver? [...]
I'm affraid, you have no answer in that matters, here...
Simply because the compactrons was not as popular in Poland as in USA those days.
In fact, as I remember, I never saw any article on that theme in (old) polish radioamateur's magazines
(I have all year's issues of polish 'Radio' and 'Radioamateur' from 1946 to early 90s).
Of course, we talk about
real compactrons - i.e. with 12-pin socket...
Recently, I saw on ebay, that some people called 'compactrons' such a devices like ECC83 or ECH81

In my opinion, even EABC80 is not
real compactron, but only 'multisystem tube'...
And please look at that thread:
Urządzenia nadawczo-odbiorcze KF ('HF Tube TRX devices') -
maybe you find some interesting - besides compactrons...
Wald, 3Z6AEF
PS. I saw somewhere in net yours collection of boatanchors - really impressive!