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PICASTAR - zaawansowany home made
SP8BAI Offline

Liczba postów: 66
Dołączył: 31-10-2009
Post: #119
PICASTAR - spotkanie budowniczych
Może znajdzie się zainteresowany tym spotkaniem konstruktor?
GB w końcu nie tak daleko Big Grin
73 de Jacek

"Pic-A-Stars get together

Pic-A-Star is an SDR radio designed by Peter Rhodes, G3XJP, which was serialised in RadCom. It also appears in the RSGB Radio Communication Handbook. Milton Keynes ARS and Milton Keynes Museum are inviting all constructors of Pic-A-Stars to a one-day get together. This will be on Sunday 11 September from 11am to 4pm at the Milton Keynes Museum. Constructors of the Pic-A-star project are invited to bring their radios for a gathering and exchange of ideas. Star add-on circuits are also welcome. Entry will be free, but it would be nice to leave a small donation to the Museum. Constructors of other equipment designed by Peter are also welcome but the emphasis will be on the Pic-A-Star project. There will be test equipment and an antenna available on the day. Further details and directions are available online at http://www.radio-kits.co.uk/pic_a_star/event.htm."
03-08-2011 19:14
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PICASTAR - spotkanie budowniczych - SP8BAI - 03-08-2011 19:14

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