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Tranciever Тюльпан-DSP
UA6VAE Offline

Liczba postów: 36
Dołączył: 19-12-2015
Post: #538
RE: Tranciever Тюльпан-DSP
Hello, friends!
Sorry for English...

First of all, i want to give my best regards to Artur for such delicate and beautiful implementation of TRX Tulip Smile
I have a couple of questions about Arturs TRX version, especially about parts arrangement and sizing.
1. Tactile switches. What is actually height of them including base part of switch, i.e. "Stem". I stop my sight on this one
but still in doubt.
2. Pin headers. What is actually height of pins?
3. 10Mhz is really SPXO or just regular crystal like 16Mhz one?
I'm awaiting PCB and already order most of parts like ICs, semicons and well knows parts, but still have some misunderstands with design.

Thank you!!!
23-12-2015 14:31
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Wiadomości w tym wątku
RE: Tranciever Тюльпан-DSP - UA6VAE - 23-12-2015 14:31
Transceiver Тulip - EA7HOG - 27-06-2016, 19:06

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