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Tranciever Тюльпан-DSP
PD0RBO Offline

Liczba postów: 21
Dołączył: 11-11-2015
Post: #506
RE: Tranciever Тюльпан-DSP
(06-12-2015 19:59)SP3OSJ napisał(a):  Remi, thanks for your work.

Tnx happy to, with bigger projects I always do to ceep the cost's in track D

(06-12-2015 23:42)SP5TAA napisał(a):  Hi Remi,
I`m not ,,playing" now with Tulipan yet but I will start to assembly it soon, meantime I am lookig for parts for that radio...I have not any expirience with this radio but
I hope this link could be interesting for you:

I crose my fingers to you.

Witek, SP5TAA

Ik hope the list comes handy, keep in mind that I did not add the TRX and PA board yet. I will make seperate lists for these boards. Tnx for the link, sadly I already ordered my LCD for $45,- I'll check and review the link and add it to the list

Wybacz mój język , pisać i czytać mi z nim za pomocą Google Translate
07-12-2015 11:21
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Wiadomości w tym wątku
RE: Tranciever Тюльпан-DSP - PD0RBO - 07-12-2015 11:21
Transceiver Тulip - EA7HOG - 27-06-2016, 19:06

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