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SP9MRN Offline

Liczba postów: 819
Dołączył: 29-08-2009
Post: #22
RE: FL2100B
http://www.w8ji.com/fl2100_problems.htm - koniec artykułu
sprawdź kondensatory na wejściu czy są OK

i jeszcze:
This linear was produced to complement valve transceivers. !!!!!! With the modern semiconductor transceivers this results in problems due to the fluctuating SWR. An external or internal tuner is required to drive the linear properly with sufficient power. !!!!!!

The thin hook-up wire and long connections to the relays in the input circuit creates problems, especially at the higher HF bands. A 27 pF capacitor across the relays contacts (sometimes even across the input connector) creates a broadband tuning of the cabling in the 10 – 15m frequencies. Using a trimmer can improve results even more. Wiring using coax cable can help but often the capacitor is required due to the cabling around the relays.


16-06-2016 12:22
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Wiadomości w tym wątku
FL2100B - SP5GNW - 16-08-2014, 17:34
RE: FL2100B - SP5GNW - 29-05-2016, 19:55
RE: FL2100B - SP2SGA - 29-05-2016, 21:17
RE: FL2100B - SP5GNW - 29-05-2016, 22:47
RE: FL2100B - SP2IPT - 30-05-2016, 7:19
RE: FL2100B - SP5GNW - 30-05-2016, 16:26
RE: FL2100B - SP5BMP - 30-05-2016, 17:26
RE: FL2100B - SP5GNW - 08-06-2016, 5:30
RE: FL2100B - SP3F - 08-06-2016, 8:32
RE: FL2100B - SP5GNW - 08-06-2016, 10:55
RE: FL2100B - SP2JQR - 08-06-2016, 17:40
RE: FL2100B - SP3F - 08-06-2016, 18:05
RE: FL2100B - SP5GNW - 14-06-2016, 22:54
RE: FL2100B - SP5BMP - 15-06-2016, 6:24
RE: FL2100B - SP5GNW - 15-06-2016, 10:08
RE: FL2100B - SP5BMP - 15-06-2016, 11:49
RE: FL2100B - SP5GNW - 15-06-2016, 21:42
RE: FL2100B - SP3F - 15-06-2016, 22:27
RE: FL2100B - SP5GNW - 16-06-2016, 8:52
RE: FL2100B - SP2GNB - 16-06-2016, 8:58
RE: FL2100B - SP3F - 16-06-2016, 9:04
RE: FL2100B - SP9MRN - 16-06-2016 12:22
RE: FL2100B - SP9FKP - 16-06-2016, 13:24
RE: FL2100B - SQ9JXT - 17-06-2016, 12:58
RE: FL2100B - SP2JQR - 17-06-2016, 13:48
RE: FL2100B - SP5GNW - 19-06-2016, 11:23
RE: FL2100B - SQ5KVS - 19-06-2016, 21:01
RE: FL2100B - SP2JQR - 21-06-2016, 7:55

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