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Składamy wzbudnicę SSB G4CLF
bolanren Offline
Jerzy SP5RZM

Liczba postów: 426
Dołączył: 10-04-2011
Post: #647
RE: Składamy wzbudnicę SSB G4CLF
Witam wszystkich Szanownych Kolegów Plesseyowców i towarzyszących nam jeszcze (mam nadzieję) niemniej Szanownych Kibiców,

Na początku chciałbym zaznaczyć, że pogłoski o tym jakobym całkowicie porzucił rozpoczęty wcześniej program są przedwczesne Smile . Nowa płytka z naniesionymi poprawkami oraz ze stosownymi zmianami dotyczącymi udoskonalenia projektu jest już "w drodze" i na jesieni będzie dostępna po kosztach jej wykonania.

W międzyczasie parę osób zza granicy zainteresowało się naszą inicjatywą wskrzeszenia projektu G4CLF. Jedna z tych osób stała się nawet "plesseyowym" Kolegą z obecnego wątku. Jestem w kontakcie z Ian`em i poniżej zamieszczam treść jego listu.

Jerzy (George) SP5RZM

I wish to thank you for your very kind offer to allow me to purchase a Printed Circuit Board when they come. I shall be looking for a quartz filter as well. I wonder if I can order one new? Or is the filter something that is no longer made and I have to find a used one?

If possible I would very much appreciate your offer to e mail to me an up to date correct schematic. That way I can gather the parts I do not have. I was wondering about the IC's. Are you trying to use Original Plessey IC's wherever possible or are you using the Chinese copies that seem to be readily available from E bay?

My Father who is also an Amateur lives in England and was at one time very interested in home building anything he could. I remember when I lived in England going to Radio Rallies with him and he would buy boxes and boxes of components. His reasoning was that someday he might need them. I think he got just as much pleasure from collecting components as he did from actually using them. Suffice to say that he has quite an amount of Plessey components.

I also have a friend in Canada that at one time worked for Plessey and has multiples of just about every type of component they ever made.

If I need to use Original Plessey components I do not think it will be a problem finding them. Of course if the Chinese copies well that is good as they are really cheap.

Here in the States there are people that do home build and design their own projects. Though after they build something they do not want to share a design. i must say I admire the spirit of the Polish Radio Amateurs there seems to be many projects where you all get together and make a group effort to bring a project together.

I very much appreciate your advice and help on this project. If there is anything I can do to help or if you need help with rare components etc. I am only too happy to help in any way that I can.

Please do not worry about your English. It is far better than my Polish.

Again Thanks George I appreciate your help. Ian K3HQL
20-07-2016 21:28
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RE: Składamy wzbudnicę SSB G4CLF - bolanren - 20-07-2016 21:28

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