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Synteza na AD9851 a Bascom AVR
SP6-11003 Offline

Liczba postów: 63
Dołączył: 24-06-2012
Post: #11
RE: Synteza na AD9851 a Bascom AVR
Kolego free , dokładnie nic. Program jest właśnie napisany pod układy AD9850.

Poniżej jest kod, który aktualnie steruje moją syntezą w Piligrim.

'      Sterownik Syntezera
'      Copyright 2012 SQ9MDD <rlabus@luxmat.com>
'      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
'      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
'      the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
'      (at your option) any later version.
'      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
'      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
'      GNU General Public License for more details.
'      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
'      along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
'      Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
'      MA 02110-1301, USA.
Const Firmwareversion = "mod 1.2"
$regfile = "M8def.dat"
$crystal = 4000000
$hwstack = 64
$swstack = 10
$framesize = 40

Config Lcd = 20 * 2
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Pind.1 , Db5 = Pind.2 , Db6 = Pind.0 , Db7 = Pind.3 , E = Pinc.4 , Rs = Pinc.5

  Cursor Off
Locate 1 , 1
Lcd "Syntezer DDS  AD9850"
Locate 2 , 5
Lcd "Piligrim SMD"
Wait 2

Config Portb.0 = Input
Config Portb.1 = Input
Config Portb.2 = Input
Config Portc.0 = Input
Config Portc.1 = Input
Config Portc.2 = Input
Config Portc.3 = Input
Config Portb.3 = Output
Config Portb.4 = Output
Config Portb.5 = Output
Config Portb.6 = Output
Config Portb.7 = Output
Config Portd.4 = Output
Config Portd.5 = Output
Config Portd.6 = Output
Config Portd.7 = Output

Portb.0 = 1
Portb.1 = 1
Portb.2 = 1
Portb.3 = 1
Portb.4 = 1
Portb.5 = 1
Portb.6 = 1
Portb.7 = 1
Portc.0 = 1
Portc.1 = 1
Portc.2 = 1
Portc.3 = 1
Portd.4 = 1
Portd.5 = 1
Portd.6 = 1
Portd.7 = 1

Dds_fq_ud Alias Portb.4
Dds_w_clk Alias Portb.5
Dds_data Alias Portb.3

Dim Freq As Long
Dim Freq_a As Long
Dim Freq_b As Long
Dim Freqtolcd As String * 7
Dim Enc As Byte
Dim Vfo As Bit
Dim Krok As Integer
Dim Krok_a As Integer
Dim Krok_b As Integer
Dim Kierunek As Bit
Dim Modulacja As Byte
Dim Modulacja_a As Byte
Dim Modulacja_b As Byte
Dim Freq_beram As Eram Long
Dim Freq_aeram As Eram Long
Dim Krok_aeram As Eram Integer
Dim Krok_beram As Eram Integer
Dim Modulacja_aeram As Eram Byte
Dim Modulacja_beram As Eram Byte
Dim Lock_bit As Bit
Dim Antena As Byte
Dim Licznik As Bit
Dim Init As Byte
Dim Freqtodds As Single
Dim Freqtoddsready As Long

Declare Sub Wyslij_f_do_dds

Cursor Off
Echo Off

Set Dds_w_clk : Waitus 10 : Reset Dds_w_clk : Waitus 10
Set Dds_fq_ud : Waitus 10 : Reset Dds_fq_ud : Waitus 10
Init = &H00

If Freq_aeram > 1000 Then
   Freq = Freq_aeram
   Freq_a = Freq_aeram
   Freq_b = Freq_beram
   Krok = Krok_aeram
   Krok_a = Krok_aeram
   Krok_b = Krok_beram
   Modulacja = Modulacja_aeram
   Modulacja_a = Modulacja_aeram
   Modulacja_b = Modulacja_beram
   Antena = 1
   Freq = 371500
   Freq_a = 371500
   Freq_b = 371500
   Krok = 100
   Krok_a = 100
   Krok_b = 100
   Modulacja = 2
   Modulacja_a = 2
   Modulacja_b = 2
   Antena = 1
End If

Wait 1
Gosub Wyswietlacz


   Debounce Pinc.1 , 0 , Modechange , Sub
   Debounce Pinc.3 , 0 , Gen , Sub
   Debounce Pinc.2 , 0 , Band , Sub
   Debounce Pinb.2 , 0 , Zmianakroku , Sub
   Debounce Pinc.0 , 0 , Ant , Sub
   Enc = Encoder(pinb.0 , Pinb.1 , Prawo , Lewo , 0)



If Kierunek = 1 Then
   Kierunek = 0
End If
If Enc = 2 Or Enc = 1 Then
   Freq = Freq - Krok
End If
If Freq < 100000 Then
   Freq = 3000000
End If
Gosub Freq_update

If Kierunek = 0 Then
   Kierunek = 1
End If                                                      '
If Enc = 3 Or Enc = 0 Then
   Freq = Freq + Krok
End If
If Freq > 3000000 Then
   Freq = 100000
End If
Gosub Freq_update


If Antena = 1 Then
   Antena = 2
Elseif Antena = 2 Then
        Antena = 1

   End If
Gosub Wyswietlacz

If Krok = 10000 Then
   Krok = 1000
Elseif Krok = 1000 Then
   Krok = 100
Elseif Krok = 100 Then
   Krok = 10
Elseif Krok = 10 Then
   Krok = 1
Elseif Krok = 1 Then
   Krok = 10000

   End If
Gosub Wyswietlacz

  If Modulacja = 1 Then
   Modulacja = 2
  Elseif Modulacja = 2 Then
   Modulacja = 3
  Elseif Modulacja = 3 Then
   Modulacja = 1
  End If
Gosub Wyswietlacz

   If Vfo = 1 Then
      Freq_b = Freq
      Freq_beram = Freq_b
      Freq = Freq_a
      Modulacja_b = Modulacja
      Modulacja_beram = Modulacja_b
      Modulacja = Modulacja_a
      Krok_b = Krok
      Krok_beram = Krok_b
      Krok = Krok_a
      Vfo = 0
   Elseif Vfo = 0 Then
      Freq_a = Freq
      Freq_aeram = Freq_a
      Freq = Freq_b
      Modulacja_a = Modulacja
      Modulacja_aeram = Modulacja_a
      Modulacja = Modulacja_b
      Krok_a = Krok
      Krok_aeram = Krok_a
      Krok = Krok_b
      Vfo = 1
   End If
Gosub Wyswietlacz

   If Freq < 370000 Then
      Freq = 370000
      Locate 2 , 7
      Lcd "80m "
      Portd.4 = 0
      Portb.6 = 0
      Portb.7 = 1
      Portd.5 = 0
      Modulacja = 2
   Elseif Freq < 700000 Then
      Freq = 700000
      Locate 2 , 7
      Lcd "40m "
      Portd.4 = 0
      Portb.6 = 0
      Portb.7 = 1
      Portd.5 = 1
      Modulacja = 2
   Elseif Freq < 1010000 Then
      Freq = 1010000
      Locate 2 , 7
      Lcd "30m "
      Portd.4 = 0
      Portb.6 = 1
      Portb.7 = 0
      Portd.5 = 0
      Modulacja = 1
   Elseif Freq < 1400000 Then
      Freq = 1400000
      Locate 2 , 7
      Lcd "20m "
      Portd.4 = 0
      Portb.6 = 1
      Portb.7 = 0
      Portd.5 = 1
      Modulacja = 3
   Elseif Freq < 1800000 Then
      Freq = 1806800
      Locate 2 , 7
      Lcd "17m "
      Portd.4 = 0
      Portb.6 = 1
      Portb.7 = 1
      Portd.5 = 0
      Modulacja = 3
   Elseif Freq < 2100000 Then
      Freq = 2100000
      Locate 2 , 7
      Lcd "15m "
      Portd.4 = 0
      Portb.6 = 1
      Portb.7 = 1
      Portd.5 = 1
      Modulacja = 3
   Elseif Freq < 2480000 Then
      Freq = 2489000
      Locate 2 , 7
      Lcd "12m "
      Portd.4 = 1
      Portb.6 = 0
      Portb.7 = 0
      Portd.5 = 0
      Modulacja = 3
   Elseif Freq < 2800000 Then
      Freq = 2800000
      Locate 2 , 7
      Lcd "10m "
      Portd.4 = 1
      Portb.6 = 0
      Portb.7 = 0
      Portd.5 = 1
      Modulacja = 3
   Elseif Freq >= 2800000 Then
      Freq = 181000
      Locate 2 , 7
      Lcd "160m"
      Portd.4 = 0
      Portb.6 = 0
      Portb.7 = 0
      Portd.5 = 1
      Modulacja = 2
   End If
      Gosub Wyswietlacz

Locate 1 , 1
   Freqtolcd = Str(freq)
   If Len(freqtolcd) <= 6 Then
      Freqtolcd = " " + Freqtolcd
   End If
      Lcd Left(freqtolcd , 2)
      Lcd "."
      Lcd Mid(freqtolcd , 3 , 3)
      Lcd "."
      Lcd Right(freqtolcd , 2)
      Lcd "0 Hz"
      Call Wyslij_f_do_dds

Gosub Freq_update
Locate 1 , 15
If Krok = 1 Then
      Lcd "  10Hz"
   Elseif Krok = 10 Then
      Lcd " 100Hz"
   Elseif Krok = 100 Then
      Lcd "  1kHz"
   Elseif Krok = 1000 Then
      Lcd " 10kHz"
   Elseif Krok = 10000 Then
      Lcd "100kHz"
End If
Locate 2 , 1
   Lcd "VFO-"
   If Vfo = 1 Then
      Lcd "B"
   Elseif Vfo = 0 Then
      Lcd "A"
   End If
Locate 2 , 13
   If Modulacja = 1 Then
      Lcd "CW "
      Portd.7 = 0
   Elseif Modulacja = 2 Then
      Lcd "LSB"
      Portd.7 = 0
   Elseif Modulacja = 3 Then
      Lcd "USB"
      Portd.7 = 1
   End If
Locate 2 , 18
   If Antena = 1 Then
      Lcd "A-1"
      Portd.6 = 0
   Elseif Antena = 2 Then
      Lcd "A-2"
      Portd.6 = 1
   End If


Sub Wyslij_f_do_dds
   Freqtodds = Freq * 343.602
   Freqtoddsready = Freqtodds
   Shiftout Dds_data , Dds_w_clk , Freqtoddsready , 3 , 32
   Shiftout Dds_data , Dds_w_clk , Init , 3 , 8
   Set Dds_fq_ud : Waitus 10 : Reset Dds_fq_ud : Waitus 10
End Sub

" Na stole " aktualnie jest dalej rozwijany ten wsad ale ma jeszcze dużo nie dociągnięć.
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 06-06-2013 8:31 przez SP6-11003.)
06-06-2013 8:17
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RE: Synteza na AD9851 a Bascom AVR - SP6-11003 - 06-06-2013 8:17

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